5Cs Joint Committee



Report of the Client Relationship Director

Author:  Matt Goodwin

Telephone: 07771 378362

E-mail: matt.goodwin@havant.gov.uk


To: Members of the 5Cs Joint Committee

DATE: 6 October 2021





2021/22 Annual Plan Review


a)    Members of the Committee to note this report.


Purpose of Report

1.    This report updates on annual service plans for 2021/22, relating to Capita services provided under the April 2016 Agreement.  These plans were agreed in March 2021 and have been updated further to review at the end of Quarter 1 for this financial year.


2.    Accompanying this report are the latest versions of the annual service plans (“Attachment 1: “Annual Service Plans 2021_22, v6, Sept 2021”). These have been subject to update between August and Sept 2021.

3.    It should be noted that these are “live” documents, which evolve over time. As such, several of the plans will carry forward and continue the narrative on activities which commenced in the last planning year.

4.    The plan document remains unchanged in structure since initially rolled out in 2018. It has a tab which acts as a cover for the document, and details version and configuration control. There is then one tab for each of the current Capita services.  Within each tab, key sections are as follows:

·         A unique reference.

·         A general description of the plan item.

·         Key delivery milestones, with due dates and lead parties.

·         The driver for the item (which might be delivery of transitional elements, a requirement of the Schedule 4.1 Service Delivery Plan, a new improvement initiative or a legal necessity).

·         Councils affected (if not universal).


5.    The plan also includes review elements for monitoring, which are populated ahead of regular reviews at Service Improvement Groups (SIGs) and Joint Tactical Board (JTB):

·         The delivery status (started, in progress, completed).

·         A “Red, Amber, Green” or “RAG” status to provide a general indication of whether on track or behind.


6.    The plan documents do not include all detail of these initiatives, as much information will be held in specific project or programme documentation, which it is not necessary to replicate.

7.    Reflecting the light touch nature of the plan documents, it is important to provide some context to initiatives planned. Considerably more context is available, and will have been tabled with JTB, SIG and Authority Service Leads. They can be provided to Committee on request. Appendix A provides a short narrative on each, for the purposes of this report.

8.    Once approved by JTB, SMB and Joint Committee, these plans are then made “live”. Formal review is via the SIG structures, with escalation or updates to higher boards as and where appropriate.  Members of the Committee are asked to note this update.

Climate and ecological impact implications

9.    No specific impacts.

Financial Implications

10. None of the stated Revenues and Benefits, and Customer Services, plans will incur additional costs. These are considered to be part of the continuous improvement required under the contract.

11. The transfer to HM Land Registry is not due for 1- 2 years, and so has not been fully scoped yet. New Burdens funding will be made available for this. This work will be managed as a formal contract change.

12. The picture for IT varies. Any changes triggered by Authorities will be managed and costed under the Change Control process. These means costs will be subject to JTB and Section 151 review.

Legal Implications

13. There are no direct legal implications arising from this report.


14. There are no material risks arising directly from this report.

Other Implications

15. There are no direct equalities implications arising from this report.


16. The following recommendations are tabled to the members of the Committee:

a)    To note this report

Background Papers

·        Attachment 1: “Annual Service Plans 2021_22, v6, Sept 2021.




Appendix A – Key Service Plan Initiatives


Key initiatives include:


For Customer Services:


ResolvIs: This programme was focused on the contact centre provision for the Revenues and Benefits lines. Based on an Amazon Cloud platform, it is looking to deploy changes and innovations in regard to the Interactive Voice Response solutions (IVR), web chat solutions, and automated back-office processes. The objective is to provide quicker and easier online or mobile telephony-based channels for customers, to reduce telephone contacts, linked to automated processing of routine transactions. This programme is not likely to be deployed in 5Cs – decision pending. Innovations related to it may be rolled out under continuous improvement.

Customer Journey Improvements and Contact Reduction Initiatives: the contract with Capita is predicated on reducing customer contacts, and continuously improving the offer. In support of that, Capita have completed extensive analysis of customer journeys for non-Revenues and Benefits customer service lines and are working with Authorities to deploy a series of small-scale improvements in this area.


For Revenues and Benefits:


Telsolutions:  This is a long-standing initiative based around use pro-active e-mail and SMS messaging to customers, in areas such as chasing outstanding Council Tax payments, or promoting use of Direct Debits or e-billing.

Council Tax Collection Plans: these are bespoke plans discussed and agreed with Authorities which outline a series of actions to promote improved Council Tax takes.

Online Evidence Upload: This is an existent programme which provides customers with an increased facility to upload evidence for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support claims.

Universal Credit (UC) Automation: This is an internal efficiency for Capita, regarding the processing of UC notifications from the DWP.


For Land Charges:


Devolvement of LLC functions to HM Land Registry: In 2015, HM Land Registry was given the authority to create a single, national, digital register of Local Land Charges (LLC) across England and Wales. For 5C’s, this will commence in 2023 with South and Vale, with the balance of Authorities following the year after. It has been indicated that this is not all the Land Charges functions, only the LLC1 element.


For IT:


Delivery of new Hart Service Delivery Model – once CCRF298 is agreed the new operational model to be implemented.


Delivery of new Hart Service Delivery Model – once CCRF335 is agreed the new operational model to be implemented.


Redhill Data Centre Migration – completion of transfer of all existing required services currently hosted in Redhill Data Centre (Surrey County Council) to new platforms as appropriate. Once completed decommissioning of all infrastructure

Stakeholder Plans - develop a stakeholder map and a supporting stakeholder engagement plan, which shall describe the level and means of interaction with all relevant stakeholders for the IT Service.


Obligation Matrix Review – completion of review of all remaining outstanding contractual liabilities that were identified as part of the Obligations Matrix. Currently approximately 95% complete. Remaining items to be moved to be reviewed at other for a (IT Operations Board, IT Strategy Board, Security Working Group) as appropriate and Obligations Matrix to be formally closed.


Completion of transition to CMW (Capita Managed Workstation – PC or Laptop) – Mendip complete and HEH close to completion. Once all service reliance on CVW (Capita Virtual Workstation – Thin Client) environment has been resolved (i.e. sign-off of remaining CVW application packages and old version of IKen delivered using Terminal Services), the CVW infrastructure can be decommissioned.


Nuvem to Azure – Transition of all infrastructure recently (Nov 2020) relocated to Capita Nuvem platform, to Microsoft Azure Cloud hosting. This is provisionally scheduled for late June 2021. Awaiting a formal proposal from Capita.


Server W2008 Upgrades – There are currently 22 servers on the 5C estate (16 HEH and 6 S&V) still running on W2008 Operating Systems. This went out of support in January 2020, but extended support has been purchased from Microsoft. It has been agreed that these servers will be upgraded prior to the move to Azure. Awaiting s formal proposal from Capita.


Business Continuity – Annual Review required of all council plans to align as appropriate with Capita plans.


Disaster Recovery – tests scheduled for late March but may need to be rescheduled for April/May. Also, need to agree approach to DR once applications and services are hosted in Azure.


IT Strategy Roadmap -   Develop joint IT strategy. Application Roadmap to be reviewed. Session to be set up with Capita Technical/Solutions Architects and IT Leads.


Storage Policy Review – this has been completed but awaiting implementation of new storage allocations. Storage allocation has been ‘rightsized’ as previously there was significant over-allocation. New sizing saves 5C money and allows for growth for next 2 years.


Small Works Process – need to review if there is value in renewing quote for ringfenced Capita resource such as TDA (Technical Design Authority) and Network Engineer. PM previously produced a Guidance Note to JTV detailing options. This could be remodelled. Service catalogue option now discounted.


CMDB (Configuration Management Database) – Capita have agreed to do a full review of the Atrium CMDB with Paul Merrick, as Paul has questioned the accuracy of the data therein.


Communications Plans – to be reviewed and reworked as appropriate

Risk Management – council specific risk review sessions every 6-8 weeks and high level 5C Risk register also being maintained.


Microsoft 365 Separation – This work is still in the planning phase and looks at splitting the various council tenancies within Microsoft systems. This will attract a significant cost but may be critical to the Councils’ strategic plans.


MDM (Mobile Device Management solution – Microsoft InTune) – proposal received from Capita is now being reworked to include all councils other than Hart. The implementation will be aligned to the M365 Separation.


MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) – Proposal received from Capita and awaiting approval from all the councils (other than Hart).